our mission

at North Ridge Church is to relationally love people to Christ-centered wholeness.



We follow God’s direction by honoring the Bible that guides our lives and is our final authority.

Moving Forward

We are consistently becoming closer to Christ through personal devotion and gathering together as the church.

Reaching Higher

Through excellence we show the brilliance and greatness of God because we wholeheartedly give our best in all we do.

Real People

We value integrity and show it by being the same in public as in private.

Serious about Generosity

We give grace; we forgive and don’t condemn; we seek relationships over rightness; and we show God’s love and generosity to everyone through our actions.


We love people and invite those in our wingspan (sphere of influence) to believe and follow Jesus with us.

Servants Together

We don’t do ministry alone. We look for opportunities to serve and be involved in our community and church as well, as partner with local and global organizations to accomplish the will of God.

we are reaching


To know and love God through
Holy Spirit and to have the heart of Jesus,
not just a heart for Jesus.


To know and love others, seeing the
image of God in them & living to spread the
message that God wants to adopt us.


To know and love ourselves
by believing and trusting in who
God says we are!

Want to know more about us?