As you discover your purpose in loving God and others, there is a unique way in which you bear the image of God, in love, towards your wingspan. APEST is an acronym created to remember a truth found in Ephesians 4 regarding the gift of APEST Jesus has given the Church:
APEST reveals to us that Jesus has imprinted each of our lives to uniquely express our purpose, which is to love God and others. All good gifts are from God. Jesus collectively gives the Church the gift of APEST so that together we can be built up and become the fullest expression of Jesus to our wingspan.
As NRC, we build community around discovering our purpose in Jesus together. Join an APEST Sunday class to discover your unique function within APEST and how that impacts your wingspan and church family. Sign up for a class today!
As you take steps towards becoming Christ-centered, we want to empower you towards maturity and purpose by equipping you to discover God's gifts. It’s time for you to take your next step in discovering how you primarily & effectively function in the gift of APEST as the hands and feet of Jesus.
Click the button below to take the APEST assessment. Each assessment costs $10.
Click the button below to take the APEST assessment. Each assessment costs $10.
If you have taken the APEST assessment, we congratulate you! You have taken a step in discovering purpose. We would love to share in this journey with you. Click the button below to let us know your assessment results.
APEST Mentoring Opportunity
Are you ready to explore how you function in the gift of APEST?
We have trusted volunteer mentors who can help you take your next step in maturing in your primary APEST function. Your time with a mentor will bring clarity to where God is at work in your life. Our prayer is that you will experience a breakthrough for where He is leading you next.
We have trusted volunteer mentors who can help you take your next step in maturing in your primary APEST function. Your time with a mentor will bring clarity to where God is at work in your life. Our prayer is that you will experience a breakthrough for where He is leading you next.
Complete this interest form.
Focus: Visionary thinking and motivation to see the Kingdom of God advance.
In Greek, the term apostle means “sent one." It is a pioneering function of the church, the capacity to extend Christianity as a healthy, integrated, innovative, reproducing movement, ever-expanding into new cultures. Those who function as apostles within the gift of APEST thrive in extending the Kingdom of God into new places, spaces, and contexts while motivating and mobilizing other leaders to propel the mission of God forward.
“After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.' ”
Luke 10:1-3
Focus: The covenantal relationship between God and people
and living out of that relationship
Those who function as prophets within the gift of APEST will do all they can to listen to God, see what he sees, feel something of what he feels, speak and act on his behalf, and call people to faithfulness and obedience. They are God-oriented people who call all people to attend to the voice of God and respond with appropriate action.
"There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light."
John 1:6-8
Focus: People come to know Jesus and join the movement of the Kingdom of God
The one who functions as an evangelist in the APEST gift, proclaims the good news that is at the core of the church’s message. The evangelist is all about the core message and its reception in the hearts of people and cultures. They are the storytellers, the all-important recruiters of the cause, and the naturally infectious people who can enlist others into what God is doing in and through the church.
“Jesus said to him, 'Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.'"
Luke 19:9-10
Focus: The community of God living healthily in the love of God
At its core, the one who functions as a shepherd in the APEST gift is passionate about creating and maintaining a healthy community of Christ followers, promoting the common good, encouraging people in the faith, and ensuring the well-being of the people. Shepherds pay close attention to their immediate environment, noticing details about people and the state of the community helping others mature individually and collectively.
" 'A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.' "
John 13:34-35
Focus: Understanding, clarification, and application of God's truth
Those functioning as teachers in the gift of APEST bring clarity and a solid foundation to the vision of the church. They love the wisdom of God and help people put ideas into action. Teachers have a way with words that clarify and bring understanding that drives people to want to know God more and live according to His ways.
“When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law.”
Matthew 7:28-29
apest sermons
Have you heard the church referred to as ‘the body of Christ’ and wondered what that means? A body is something that is living, active and has a distinct function. As Jesus’ body, the church has a function and purpose that has been given to us by Jesus. As the church we are called to live from this purpose both individually and collectively. Click the button below to check out our past sermon series on APEST.