Events & opportunities


Sometimes we get stuck. We try to move forward in following Jesus and it seems like we can’t. We know we have a problem and we may have even tried throwing a lot of fixes at it, but we continue to stay stuck. We get frustrated, discouraged and if we are honest, at times, even hopeless. The Bible gives us the tools we need to get unstuck. We will be looking at Ephesians 6 together to get the right tools in our hands to get unstuck so we can move forward in Jesus.


Our communities are struggling to make ends meet and are missing the essentials to maintain a healthy life. Hygiene poverty impacts millions, physical and mental health, job opportunities and social interaction. This is where your help comes in, here is a list of what we are looking for:
- body wash
- shampoo
- toothbrush/toothpaste
- feminine products

All donations are due Sunday, March 16.


All of us get to come together to lift up our desires and heart to see God move as we prepare to launch the Greenwood-Loyal Church Campus. Partner with us in prayer on March 22 at 10AM (brunch provided).

The location for prayer: N. 8367 Hi Line Ave, Spencer WI

APEST Sunday

As NRC, we build community around discovering our purpose in Jesus together. Join an APEST Sunday class to discover your unique function within APEST and how that impacts your wingspan and church family. Sign up for a class today! IF you haven't take the assessment to see which APEST giftings you may have, visit this link to take it This assessment has a $10 fee.

This class in on April 13 at 10:45AM.


NRC is hosting this years community Good Friday Services and we want you to be a part of it! We know that God has something special for us as we gather together and remember the death of our Savior. John 19:30 says "When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." This is happening April 18 at 4:30PM and 6:30PM.

If you have children that you would like to have in the Kids Wing, check out this link:


Is NRC new to you? Are you looking to get involved in a church family? We want to help you understand what we believe, why we are on mission, and where you fit here! Come connect with others and then join us for a complimentary lunch immediately following the meeting.

This is happening on Sunday, May 4 at 10:15AM.


We are extending our wingspan to reach the community of Loyal and Greenwood! There are so many questions, but we trust that our God is in the details as we partner with the Holy Spirit to establish a healthy and thriving Spirit-led church in this area of rural Wisconsin. You may be asking: "what can I do?" Here's a list of ways that you can be a part of this campus launch: 1 -  Serve in a role in launching the campus
2 - Give money towards launching this campus and be apart of taking the gospel further, farther, and faster in central Wisconsin!
3 - Plan to attend a prayer meeting in the coming months

(Click the "I am interested" button and fill out an interest form)
Greenwood-Loyal NRC Campus coming Fall of 2025.