myNRC is your place to get involved in a group, view your serving requests, communicate with other North Ridgers, and more!
If we are Christians, we need to know who we're following! Connecting with Jesus and growing into His likeness require practice.
God desires to give each person a secure and beautiful identity based on His righteousness, acceptance, and purpose for our life.
We follow God's direction by honoring the Bible that guides our lives and is our final authority.
Check out what's going on church wide.
If your next step towards Christ-centered wholeness is commitment to NRC, please apply below.
Want a practical resource to learn more about scripture and how to approach it?
Check out The Bible Project.
The Chosen is a tv series that portrays the main messages of the gospel in visual and tangible ways. If you want to watch click below!
 Are you curious about how God has distinctly gifted you to serve His people?
There is a next step for you in discovering who God has made you to be!
Growing spiritually requires that we are deeply thoughtful and honest with ourselves with where we are. The stages of maturity are not linear, and we are always growing.
Assess your spiritual maturity and share your results with someone who can help you move forward into your next step.