
Your Journey to
Christ-Centered Wholeness

take Your Next
Step in Jesus

We are excited to help people take their next step in Jesus. Below you will see the vision that God launched through the North Ridge Church Family in 2023, and we are excited that you want to be a part of it.

We believe that a person is never done growing and maturing spiritually. God always has a next step for you. To learn more, to grow with us, or to take the next step click the “next steps” button to let us know you are interested in maturing towards
Christ-centered wholeness!


We see 500 spiritual parents raised up over the next 5 years, empowered to live fully alive as mature Christ-followers, multiplying their influence by walking alongside others to become Christ-centered and whole.

We see people becoming followers of Jesus by being made new in Jesus, finding freedom that is rooted in their identity in Jesus, discovering their God-given purpose, and living fully to multiply other Jesus followers.

As children of God we are first found by the Father, then formed in a family.  As a family we grow towards Christ-centeredness through mentoring relationships, celebrating milestones, and moving towards markers in becoming more like Jesus.

There is always a next step for you in Jesus!

made new

Being Made New is when spiritual orphans become sons & daughters of God. Through surrendering your life to Jesus, you receive a new Christ-centered identity!

The Spirit of God lives within you and gives you the grace and guidance to walk in the way of Jesus.

"So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"
2 Corinthians 5:16-17

made new

Spiritual orphans become adopted sons & daughters of God.

Milestones represent memorable moments in our life where we took a step of faith in Jesus and our church family celebrated alongside us.

We see you, and we celebrate you stepping into your new identity in Jesus!

made new

Spiritual orphans become adopted sons & daughters of God.

Mentorship is the process of spiritually mature people walking alongside someone else as they mature, inviting them to take their next step.

  • We encourage people to attend Ridge Connect where they can share their story, and begin to learn about being made new in Jesus.
  • We use large group gatherings to introduce people to Jesus and give opportunity to be made new in Jesus.
  • We mentor people to share their story and introduce Jesus to their wingspan.
  • We mentor people in who they are (identity) in Jesus.

We will walk with you as you step into your new identity in Jesus!

made new

Spiritual orphans become adopted sons & daughters of God.

Markers are a method for us to focus on how we are becoming more like Jesus in each stage of our maturity to Christ-centered wholeness. 

Click the button below to take a personal inventory of how you are becoming more like Jesus. Take the time to answer each question thoughtfully. Be honest! There is always a next step for you in Jesus and He is committed to help you become more Christ-centered. Take this inventory again in a few days or weeks to see how your results compare.

made new

Being Made New is when spiritual orphans become sons & daughters of God. Through surrendering your life to Jesus, you receive a new Christ-centered identity! The Spirit of God lives within you and gives you the grace and guidance to walk in the way of Jesus.

made new

Spiritual orphans become adopted sons & daughters of God.

Milestones represent memorable moments in our life where we took a step of faith in Jesus and our church family celebrated alongside us.

We see you, and we celebrate you stepping into your new identity in Jesus!

made new

Spiritual orphans become adopted sons & daughters of God.

Mentorship is the process of spiritually mature people walking alongside someone else as they mature, inviting them to take their next step.

  • We encourage people to attend Ridge Connect where they can share their story, and begin to learn about being made new in Jesus.
  • We use large group gatherings to introduce people to Jesus and give opportunity to be made new in Jesus.
  • We mentor people to share their story and introduce Jesus to their wingspan.
  • We mentor people in who they are (identity) in Jesus.

We will walk with you as you step into your new identity in Jesus!

made new

Spiritual orphans become adopted sons & daughters of God.

Markers are a method for us to focus on how we are becoming more like Jesus in each stage of our maturity to Christ-centered wholeness. 

Click the button below to take a personal inventory of how you are becoming more like Jesus. Take the time to answer each question thoughtfully. Be honest! There is always a next step for you in Jesus and He is committed to help you become more Christ-centered. Take this inventory again in a few days or weeks to see how your results compare.


Finding Freedom in Jesus in when adopted children are nurtured as they grow. As you become confident in your Christ-centered identity you learn to make decisions that are led by God’s Spirit and Word. In your relationship with Jesus you find freedom to move forward into all God has for you.

find freedom

 Adopted children are nurtured.

Milestones represent memorable moments in our life where we took a step of faith in Jesus and our church family celebrated alongside us.

We see you and we celebrate your freedom in Jesus!

find freedom

 Adopted children are nurtured.

Mentorship is the process of spiritually mature people walking alongside someone else as they mature, inviting them to take their next step.

  • We mentor people through the steps of freedom in Jesus through the 12 week Freedom Course and conference.
  • We mentor husbands and wives toward Christ-centered marriages through our Marriage Mentor Ministry
  • We mentor people in the freedom of generosity as a son/daughter of God through Financial Peace University.
  • We mentor people to live generously through yearly REACH initiatives.
  • We mentor people in selecting and participating in transformative Christ-centered community through small group participation.

We will walk with you as you step into your freedom!

find freedom

 Adopted children are nurtured.

Markers are a method for us to focus on how we are becoming more like Jesus in each stage of our maturity to Christ-centered wholeness. 

Click the button below to take a personal inventory of how you are becoming more like Jesus. Take the time to answer each question thoughtfully. Be honest! There is always a next step for you in Jesus and He is committed to help you become more Christ-centered. Take this inventory again in a few days or weeks to see how your results compare.


Adopted children are nurtured as they grow.

As you become confident in your Christ-centered identity you learn to make decisions that are led by God’s Spirit and Word. In your relationship with Jesus you find freedom to move forward into all God has for you.

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." Galatians 5:1, 25

find freedom

 Adopted children are nurtured.

Milestones represent memorable moments in our life where we took a step of faith in Jesus and our church family celebrated alongside us.

We see you and we celebrate your freedom in Jesus!

find freedom

 Adopted children are nurtured.

Mentorship is the process of spiritually mature people walking alongside someone else as they mature, inviting them to take their next step.

  • We mentor people through the steps of freedom in Jesus through the 12 week Freedom Course and conference.
  • We mentor husbands and wives toward Christ-centered marriages through our Marriage Mentor Ministry
  • We mentor people in the freedom of generosity as a son/daughter of God through Financial Peace University.
  • We mentor people to live generously through yearly REACH initiatives.
  • We mentor people in selecting and participating in transformative Christ-centered community through small group participation.
We will walk with you as you step into your freedom!

find freedom

 Adopted children are nurtured.

Markers are a method for us to focus on how we are becoming more like Jesus in each stage of our maturity to Christ-centered wholeness. 

Click the button below to take a personal inventory of how you are becoming more like Jesus. Take the time to answer each question thoughtfully. Be honest! There is always a next step for you in Jesus and He is committed to help you become more Christ-centered. Take this inventory again in a few days or weeks to see how your results compare.

discover purpose

Discovering your purpose in Jesus is when nurtured children are empowered to maturity and purpose. Grounded in your relationship and identity with Jesus you discover that God has given you gifts, talents, and strengths to be used for good works of eternal value. You begin to step into your God-given purpose.

discover purpose

Nurtured children are empowered to maturity & purpose.

Milestones represent memorable moments in our life where we took a step of faith in Jesus and our church family celebrated alongside us.

We see you and we celebrate your purpose in Jesus!


Nurtured children are empowered to maturity & purpose.

Mentorship is the process of spiritually mature people walking alongside someone else as they mature, inviting them to take their next step.

  • We mentor people through Encounter opportunities where people seek God, receive teaching on spiritual gifts, and receive impartation of gifts through praying for one another.
  • We motivate people to join small groups focused on discovering and developing spiritual gifts.
  • We mentor people individually in discovering their unique spiritual gift(s) and purpose with gifts and strength finding resources.
  • We motivate people towards on-ramps for serving/leading in areas that match their unique gifting, and we mentor them in growth in these areas.

We will walk with you as you step into your purpose!


Nurtured children are empowered to maturity & purpose.

Markers are a method for us to focus on how we are becoming more like Jesus in each stage of our maturity to Christ-centered wholeness. 

Click the button below to take a personal inventory of how you are becoming more like Jesus. Take the time to answer each question thoughtfully. Be honest! There is always a next step for you in Jesus and He is committed to help you become more Christ-centered. Take this inventory again in a few days or weeks to see how your results compare.

discover purpose

Nurtured children are empowered to maturity and purpose.

Grounded in your relationship and identity with Jesus you discover that God has given you gifts, talents, and strengths to be used for good works of eternal value. You begin to step into your God-given purpose.

"For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:6-7

discover purpose

Nurtured children are empowered to maturity & purpose.

Milestones represent memorable moments in our life where we took a step of faith in Jesus and our church family celebrated alongside us.

We see you and we celebrate your purpose in Jesus!


Nurtured children are empowered to maturity & purpose.

Mentorship is the process of spiritually mature people walking alongside someone else as they mature, inviting them to take their next step.

  • We mentor people through Encounter opportunities where people seek God, receive teaching on spiritual gifts, and receive impartation of gifts through praying for one another.
  • We motivate people to join small groups focused on discovering and developing spiritual gifts.
  • We mentor people individually in discovering their unique spiritual gift(s) and purpose with gifts and strength finding resources.
  • We motivate people towards on-ramps for serving/leading in areas that match their unique gifting, and we mentor them in growth in these areas.
We will walk with you as you step into your purpose!


Nurtured children are empowered to maturity & purpose.

Markers are a method for us to focus on how we are becoming more like Jesus in each stage of our maturity to Christ-centered wholeness. 

Click the button below to take a personal inventory of how you are becoming more like Jesus. Take the time to answer each question thoughtfully. Be honest! There is always a next step for you in Jesus and He is committed to help you become more Christ-centered. Take this inventory again in a few days or weeks to see how your results compare.

live fully

Living Fully in Jesus is when mature sons & daughters are mobilized to multiply as spiritual mothers & fathers.

Live Fully

Mature sons & daughters are mobilized to multiply as spiritual mothers & fathers.

Milestones represent memorable moments in our life where we took a step of faith in Jesus and our church family celebrated alongside us.

  • Mentoring: I intentionally walk alongside someone else.
  • Serving/Leading according to spiritual gifts: I practice my spiritual gifts.
  • Plan/Vision/Dream: I intentionally invite God into my plans for the future.
  • Commission: I am sent by my church family to whatever God has called me to.

We see you and we celebrate you living fully in Jesus!

** We are actively developing ways you can engage with these. Stay tuned!

live fully

Mature sons & daughters are mobilized to multiply as spiritual mothers & fathers. 

Mentorship is the process of spiritually mature people walking alongside someone else as they mature, inviting them to take their next step.

  • We mentor people in the practice of “plan, vision, and dream” for their God-given destiny.
  • We mentor people to take risks in their faith (If you can accomplish your dream without God, it isn’t big enough!)

We will walk with you as you step into spiritual parenthood!

live fully

Mature sons & daughters are mobilized to multiply as spiritual mothers & fathers. 

Markers are a method for us to focus on how we are becoming more like Jesus in each stage of our maturity to Christ-centered wholeness. 

Click the button below to take a personal inventory of how you are becoming more like Jesus. Take the time to answer each question thoughtfully. Be honest! There is always a next step for you in Jesus and He is committed to help you become more Christ-centered. Take this inventory again in a few days or weeks to see how your results compare.

live fully

Mature sons & daughters are mobilized to multiply as spiritual mothers & fathers.

"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other."
John 15:16-17

Live Fully

Mature sons & daughters are mobilized to multiply as spiritual mothers & fathers.

Milestones represent memorable moments in our life where we took a step of faith in Jesus and our church family celebrated alongside us.

  • Mentoring: I intentionally walk alongside someone else.
  • Serving/Leading according to spiritual gifts: I practice my spiritual gifts.
  • Plan/Vision/Dream: I intentionally invite God into my plans for the future.
  • Commission: I am sent by my church family to whatever God has called me to.
We see you and we celebrate you living fully in Jesus!

** We are actively developing ways you can engage with these. Stay tuned!

live fully

Mature sons & daughters are mobilized to multiply as spiritual mothers & fathers. 

Mentorship is the process of spiritually mature people walking alongside someone else as they mature, inviting them to take their next step.

  • We mentor people in the practice of “plan, vision, and dream” for their God-given destiny.
  • We mentor people to take risks in their faith (If you can accomplish your dream without God, it isn’t big enough!)

We will walk with you as you step into spiritual parenthood!

live fully

Mature sons & daughters are mobilized to multiply as spiritual mothers & fathers. 

Markers are a method for us to focus on how we are becoming more like Jesus in each stage of our maturity to Christ-centered wholeness. 

Click the button below to take a personal inventory of how you are becoming more like Jesus. Take the time to answer each question thoughtfully. Be honest! There is always a next step for you in Jesus and He is committed to help you become more Christ-centered. Take this inventory again in a few days or weeks to see how your results compare.

your next step...

Click below to let us know a little about you and where you are on your journey.  We desire to walk alongside you to become a spiritual mother or father. Letting us know your desire is your next step.

Click below for a printable, all-inclusive document of the Vision.

your next step...

Click below to let us know a little about you and where you are on your journey.  We desire to walk alongside you to become a spiritual mother or father. Letting us know your desire is your next step.

Click below for a printable, all-inclusive document of the Vision.