I've Been Healed
I grew up in a small town in the heart of Illinois called Chicago. I grew up in a Christian home with my mother and five siblings, in a two bedroom apartment on the city's south side. We, for the most part, were happy and we had Jesus in our lives. Mom was the daughter of a southern pastor and we came from a long line of God fearing down-home southern Christians who knew and spoke the word of God each and everyday.
When I was young I became sick, very sick. I found out that I had a very rare kidney disease that there was no cure for. The only thing doctors could do was treat the kidneys, not the disease. They said no one lives beyond the age of sixteen. To have found out all of this at a young age made me kind of bitter and question things about my life.
Things got better at the age of ten and I was discharged from the hospital on May 03, 1974. I remember that day, for it was the day I prayed and asked God to never allow me to die in a hospital, spend another night in one, and to fix me from this illness. Later that year, I had another kidney flair up where my body retained so much water that I had swelled up to twice my normal body size, and had a fever of 106. My mom was very worried, so she called the doctor who told her to bring me into the hospital.
As my mom was preparing to haul me to the hospital in the late evening on a snowy night, she had to get all the other kids in the house. My older brother was attending a church revival, and mom wanted him to be home so she could know all her kids were at home safe before we left. When he came home, he suggested that we call the pastor at church and have him pray for me. We called the church and spoke to a very tired sounding pastor. He prayed for about 3 minutes but before he did, he asked me only two questions. One, if I knew Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and two, did I believe in my heart, that Jesus Christ can heal me. The answer to both questions was YES!!
The next thing I knew, I felt a hand going down my back! A finger touched the right side and the the left side of my back, and twisted in the middle. Then, the hand started to leave my body. THE WEIRD PART ABOUT THIS IS...There were only 3 people in that room, and everyone had their hands up in the air! Somehow a seventh hand was present and that hand touched my body! I was crying uncontrollably, then I looked down at my body and saw that all of the swelling was gone. I was a normal child, but still had the kidney disease, it just didn't have me anymore!
I was ten when that healing took place. The day after I graduated from high school I turned 18. I had beat the odds for my illness so I decided to explore the world. I joined the military and went everywhere they sent me. But God was not done with me. He brought me back from the military and placed me in a very small town, Marshfield. He has changed the way I view what life is about and how it's to be lived. We only have one life to live and in all my years here, I have seen God's hand move and do some amazing things as He always do. He is not done with me.
When I was young I became sick, very sick. I found out that I had a very rare kidney disease that there was no cure for. The only thing doctors could do was treat the kidneys, not the disease. They said no one lives beyond the age of sixteen. To have found out all of this at a young age made me kind of bitter and question things about my life.
Things got better at the age of ten and I was discharged from the hospital on May 03, 1974. I remember that day, for it was the day I prayed and asked God to never allow me to die in a hospital, spend another night in one, and to fix me from this illness. Later that year, I had another kidney flair up where my body retained so much water that I had swelled up to twice my normal body size, and had a fever of 106. My mom was very worried, so she called the doctor who told her to bring me into the hospital.
As my mom was preparing to haul me to the hospital in the late evening on a snowy night, she had to get all the other kids in the house. My older brother was attending a church revival, and mom wanted him to be home so she could know all her kids were at home safe before we left. When he came home, he suggested that we call the pastor at church and have him pray for me. We called the church and spoke to a very tired sounding pastor. He prayed for about 3 minutes but before he did, he asked me only two questions. One, if I knew Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and two, did I believe in my heart, that Jesus Christ can heal me. The answer to both questions was YES!!
The next thing I knew, I felt a hand going down my back! A finger touched the right side and the the left side of my back, and twisted in the middle. Then, the hand started to leave my body. THE WEIRD PART ABOUT THIS IS...There were only 3 people in that room, and everyone had their hands up in the air! Somehow a seventh hand was present and that hand touched my body! I was crying uncontrollably, then I looked down at my body and saw that all of the swelling was gone. I was a normal child, but still had the kidney disease, it just didn't have me anymore!
I was ten when that healing took place. The day after I graduated from high school I turned 18. I had beat the odds for my illness so I decided to explore the world. I joined the military and went everywhere they sent me. But God was not done with me. He brought me back from the military and placed me in a very small town, Marshfield. He has changed the way I view what life is about and how it's to be lived. We only have one life to live and in all my years here, I have seen God's hand move and do some amazing things as He always do. He is not done with me.
Submitted Anonymously on 8/3/2022

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In this blog you will find stories of God's faithfulness, love, power and blessing as experienced by His beloved saints - that's us.
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