Posts with the category “salvation-stories”
For Our Children
by Media Team on August 28th, 2022
Sometimes it is so hard to not see what you want, what you pray for and what you know is God’s heart for the ones you love the most. I love my children deeply but I desire them to know and embrace God’s love even more. I think it is even more difficult when my wife and I know, in spite of our imperfections, that we spoke God’s truth to and over our children. We have vivid memories of planting the ... Read More
God Moves Mountains
by Media Team on August 21st, 2022
My dad and I did not have a good relationship for a long time. I honestly just wanted to be away from him. I want to be away from most people most of the time, but especially him. A year after my parents got divorced, I began coming to church. I started to see that church was helping me. I realized God was always with me and I could talk to Him. He was pulling together my mental health and showed ... Read More
by Media Team on July 20th, 2022
When I was a child, I was brought up in a divorced family and lived with my mother and stepdad. Though we were constantly busy, my mom would take me and my brother to a catholic church almost every Sunday. Yes, I believed in Jesus, but because I didn’t really have a great relationship with either my father or stepdad, I struggled to really understand, or even want to understand God. I don’t believ... Read More
Miraculous Transformation
by Media Team on February 15th, 2022
I was born and raised in Milwaukee and had a difficult time as a child cuz of ADHD and ODD. When I was young there were no diagnoses for these behavioral disorders, which meant no treatments. As these conditions got worse in my early teens I began to rebel and disrespect my father which led to me being placed in foster homes at the age of 13. This meant going from being raised as a strict Bapti... Read More
From Slavery Into Freedom
by Media Team on November 23rd, 2021
How much did it take for me? I have said this to a diverse number of people, even my own family who continues in their paths of sin. I'll never forget the day that I simply said, "Lord Jesus, just take care of me." Three events took place before I would surrender.It all started with my Grandmother Lois, who rested in the Lord. It was she who took her three Grandchildren in tow to church. It would ... Read More
Broken Marriages, Faithful God
by Media Team on November 21st, 2021
I was raised in a very traditional Catholic household. I recall at a young age not agreeing with everything I was being taught by the church, but questioning things was never encouraged. So even though I knew Jesus, there was this great disconnect in my life.I moved away to college and found myself distancing further from the church. I met a young man and within a short time we were engaged and ma... Read More
Toilet Paper & Tobacco
by Media Team on November 11th, 2021
Someone was actually telling me what life was about, the plan! I had yearned for someone to just tell me what my purpose and life was about, I’m so glad that person was God. Read More
Speaking Truth
by Media Team on November 3rd, 2021
It was the summer of 2014, I was almost 21. That winter before my mom and six younger siblings finally left my dad, Paul. His cover was blown and his sins lay rotting and ugly in the light of truth. Accepting the cold, hard reality of the life I had lived this far, the abuse I and my family endured and my deep grief was suffocating. My sister worked at a Christian summer camp and I had a lot to r... Read More

Your story is important, and powerful!
Because of God's work in this world and in your life, you have a story of salvation and sanctification. Your story can bring encouragement, hope and blessing on others. So share it!
In this blog you will find stories of God's faithfulness, love, power and blessing as experienced by His beloved saints - that's us.
We would love if you'd share yours with us too!
Because of God's work in this world and in your life, you have a story of salvation and sanctification. Your story can bring encouragement, hope and blessing on others. So share it!
In this blog you will find stories of God's faithfulness, love, power and blessing as experienced by His beloved saints - that's us.
We would love if you'd share yours with us too!